Friday, May 15, 2009

14 deadly sins

well its been a few years now that I have been wanting to do something with this... and now.. damnit, i'm doing it.

The majority of people I have discussed this idea with seem to not be aware that a few years ago the Vatican announced an extension to the list of deadly sins.  Since the world is changing to such an un-censored and "personal" attack on specific people, these new sins are all but vague, contrary to the original 7. 

Here they are for your viewing pleasure... all glorious 14.

1. Lust 

2. Gluttony 

3. Greed 

4. Sloth 

5. Wrath 

6. Envy 

7. Pride 

The New ones!

8. Environmental pollution 

9. Genetic manipulation

10. financial gluttony

11. Inflicting poverty 

12. Drug trafficking and consumption 

13. participating in morally debatable experiments

14. Violation of fundamental rights of human nature 

In my mind I find the new 7 to be a joke. They all overlap each other in some way and are not as broad. There was something daunting about the simplification of having just 1 word represent a sin that could be redefined several ways.  but how do you redefine drug trafficking? 

There's a giant culture gap to be noted... in fact a 1,500 year old gap.  So why all of a sudden the need to adjust the past? 

I want to work with this... yet I haven't quite figured out how to portray it. Im leaning towards photography. 

1 comment:

CellaPimp said...

I think drug trafficking would be along the lines of greed. In fact, most of them can probably be attributed to the greed aspect as they are all involved with either saving money or making money.