Saturday, May 2, 2009

senior show and my review...

i need to update this more... for some reason my phone doesn't like it.

last night i attended the up-n-coming show of the KCAI graduating class. upon attending this event, i understood that there were some difficulties in the staffing of the degree class and so on. Hostile students roamed the gallery, provided by KU, as well as secret-filled professors that paraded about the space...  
it was almost embarrassing to me... the regret written on students faces.  where was the "garrett" in my class here... (the one person to tell them to see the glass half full, and if they can't, shut their fucking mouth)  
I am watching students use their teacher as the excuse and the teacher use their students as the excuse.  really??!?  
The most disgusting thing to me was seeing people create degree projects that were so not innovative in any form.  Pretty sure i saw a degree project about city un-marked sites to visit that was the spitting image of my classmates degree project... a dp that was simply the book "design anarchy" recreated....a dp that ended at an icon system and maybe the idea of a card for info and so on...
i can't blame the students... this is the professor's fault for not pushing their boundaries. but what i can blame are the stolen ideas from the previous class (mine) including the fucking quote i wrote to describe our class show.
out of everything i only want the 09 class to better themselves. i think that they were put in a situation that they were unaware of halfway through the class and was backlashed on them as probation only a few weeks b4 the show.

with all this gets to my innovative idea as of today,... bc everyday should be that way! 

so there was a degree project based on food allergies.... it was not pushed by any teacher to the appreciation it could be.  there was simply an icon system and this card.  well im the type of person who likes to piece presentations together as i view them, not by what is told, so while i am creating a story for this project i create something entirely different!

"what if you created a card that was scannable and held the knowledge of your allergies/diet preference?"  aka a card that monitored your food... like a chopper chopper card with a bar scan and had this info already? 

i think this idea is wonderful... taking a chopper shopper card and turning it into a purchase order log.

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